Should you need to make a claim on your household insurance, often the onus is on you, the policyholder, to obtain several quotes to pass on to your insurer. This is probably at a time when you least want to think about ringing various tradesmen such as plumbers, roofers etc. to arrange numerous meetings and deal with multiple trade quotations.
We provide a service that comprehensively deals with insurance claims management. We’ll do all the work and manage the entire process from start to finish. We will undertake all aspects of the building repair work for you, whilst incorporating a free of charge claims management service.
We will totally project manage the claim starting by submitting an itemised building schedule to your insurer, contacting your insurer to progress the claim as quickly and as smoothly as possible, meeting a loss adjuster or claim advisor. Once authorisation is received we’ll arrange for the building work to be completed by our professional and competent tradesmen.
We understand that insurance claims are often unforeseeable, and the building work that results is an inconvenience to our clients. We always aim to keep any disruptive work to an absolute minimum, and where possible fast track elements of work to resume normality as quickly as possible.